Web Dr. Yeffry Handoko


About Me

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Good day Folks, Dr. Yeffry Handoko Putra is here from “Pa Dosen Jalan-jalan” on YouTube. Sharing lecture, training and education information from Postgraduate of Information System. 

If you have enjoyed my video feel free to “Buy me a Coffee” through this sweet little donation link. Thanks Guys! Peace and Good energy to you all. Stay safety and healthy 🙏🏻

About Me

My Skills and Achievements

Delightful remarkably mr on announcing themselves entreaties favourable. About to in so terms voice at. Equal an would is found seems of. The particular friendship one sufficient terminated frequently themselves.

Enterprise Architect
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Robotic and Artificial
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I become lecturer and taught many field area like control, signal processing, business and enterprise

2012- now

Entreprise Archicect

I began to improve myself in enterprise architect and comprehensive practice  in IT Auditor


Data science

I began to learn pattern recognition and move to Artifical Intellegence, Optimal Problem, Data Science.

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